Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My Scare

So a month ago my dad complains about having some shortness of breath. We all attribute it to the humidity and pass it off like it's no big deal. We do of course have him go see a doctor. The first doctor tells him that he has to go get a series of tests done. I guess the doctor saw something he didn't like. So he sends my dad for a second round of tests. Finally, he sends my dad to a hospital for an angiogram (which for those of you who don't know is a very invasive procedure).

So longer story shorter my dad has two majorly blocked arteries on either side of his heart. One had a stent put in and the other was too small to do anything with other than medicate, watch what he eats, and lose weight. While we were in the hospital, we found out that in the last year my dad had a mild heart attack and he didn't tell anyone about it.

Everything was fine and then all of a sudden it seemed as though my stability cracked under me. We had a house fire in my parent's house almost two years ago and have finally managed to get past it (although my parents still have scars and pain as reminders). But now, just as everything was getting back to normal, this rocks our family.

It just reminds me how precious life is and how anything can happen at anytime to shake it up. To not take life or anyone for granted. It's sad that people have to go through things like these to be grateful, but I suppose that's why everyone endures the bad along with the good...

1 comment:

ACchick said...

i know i didn't tell you and i'm sorry but how exactly does someone bring that up in coversation...especially after not seeing you for so long..besides it's not like anyone outside of the family knew except for the man but that was only because i told him i was taking my dad to the hospital for tests. I know you are here for me-just didn't wanna bring you down-love ya girlie!