Monday, August 01, 2005

Is it wrong to...?

So this weekend Mel and I go out for a girl’s night. As such, we obviously dress up cute-whether it is to attract people (not my purpose) or just to look good when going out. We go to this little pub that we have gone to once before and are just hanging out, talking, catching up, and having some drinks.

About an hour into us being there this weird guy comes around and I’m thinking he is just going to keep walking. NOPE! He stops and starts in with, “Hey ladies! My friend over there would like to buy you two some drinks, so what do you say?” First of all I say if your friend wants to buy drinks, why doesn’t he come over and say it? OK, let’s say he’s shy, what do you expect to happen once we get those drinks? I’ll tell you what…Nothing! So we say that we just got drinks (which we clearly had, but if they wanted to buy us drinks to come back in a half hour and they can JUST buy us a drink-nothing more.

Shortly after, Mel goes up to the bar to get us another round when this other weirdo comes up to her. Again offers a round of drinks. Innocent flirting and we get three shots and two drinks out of it. She tells him that she is married and he asks about me. She tells him I am her girlfriend who is also married (not true-I’m just dating but I thank her nonetheless for the comment to him!)

So it’s like one o’clock (bar’s close at 2 in Jersey for those who don’t know) and I finally have to “break the seal” so I’m heading to the bathroom and getting comments from guys left and right. As I’m about to walk into the bathroom, this big burly guy grabs my arm and says “Hey baby come here.” I of course simply say I have to pee and walk into the bathroom. I come out and he’s gone.

Whew-or so I thought. He’s waiting at the bar right near where I was sitting all night. He looks over at me and points to his ring finger. I should have probably nodded yes but stupidly I shook my head no. He then walked over and told me that he couldn’t help but notice me and my gorgeous eyes. Please! Come up with something original and not cheesy. I thank him for the compliment and he proceeds to go further talking about kissable lips and of course my “nice rack.” So he asks me if I’m seeing anyone and I tell him yes for about two years. Does this stop him from anything? Nope. He continues to work his “game” which isn’t going anywhere. He introduces himself and I give him my name. He proceeds to tell me about himself and that he’s been looking for a woman like me for a while…yaddee yaddee. He goes on to say he would love to have a dinner and dancing companion and that I’d be perfect and I should give him my number. I say thanks but no thanks. After a lot of persistence he gives up on getting my number and gives me his. (Meanwhile, behind me, Mel is conquering the foreign world of Hungarians (too funny!))

So we end our girl’s night with the fact that we aren’t going back there (the guy I talked to and he Hungarians go there every week.) There’s a point to all this…once hearing the story, someone I know asked if we had boyfriends. I said she is married and I have one of a long time. I was curious why. The person made it seem as though we were in the wrong because we were friendly and flirting. SO…here it comes…is it wrong to be friendly and flirtatious on a girl’s night out and get total strangers to buy us rounds of drinks? The way I see it, I am honest with my man and he knows I don’t cheat-I come home to him. I was also honest with the guys that tried to pick me up. Shouldn’t that be what counts at the end of the day? No one should hate :op….


Anonymous said...

No, we are never going back.

And no more foriners for me.


Anonymous said...

Hey well at least you told them that you had a man. If they still wanted to buy you drinks that's on them. If you had an oddly good time then good for you girls. do what you gotta do.