Friday, July 08, 2005

Schools out...for the Summer!

So I'm finally done with school. So as the cliche more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks...

Anyway, excited to be starting a new position in second grade. BUT the only problem is, I haven't been able to settle into my new room. Why not? Because the teacher that used to have my classroom is still moving her crap out. So now I have to spend my summer not only learning the new curriculum and getting ready for September in between taking professional development courses, but I have to go organize and clean out my room from her crap and settle my stuff in.

There is a reason for my ranting-I brought me to think about The question of how do we know that an opportunity we partake in is indeed the correct one? Will we ever know?

Where is this coming from is what you must be thinking. Well, to give you some background, in June I was offered a position at another elementary school in the same district I am currently teaching in. So what's wrong with being offered a position? Nothing except for the fact that I already accepted the offer of the second grade at the first school.

So what's the problem? Two great schools offering me a position, I should be jumping for joy (and I was happy-to some extent). My main concern was the fact that I preferred working in the school that made the second offer (I have worked and traveled to both schools so I am able to say that I prefer one over the other). However, I cannot burn bridges with one principal or stir up trouble after all I have only been with the district for half a year. So what was I to do? After a long internal debate, talking with the parents, the boyfriend, and some confidant teacher, I sucked it up and stuck with the original school.

Even though it is not my ideal situation, I know in life we don't always get into ideal situations. I will, of course, make the best out of it and work my butt off for myself and most importantly for the kids. But once again, will I ever know if the decision I made was the correct one for me? Probably not.

So I leave you with a question...When left to make a decision, how do we know (if we even do ever know) that the decision we made is the right one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Realizing if you've taken the right path is almost like falling in love. Everything around you will be perfect and you will look forward to the next day knowing that it will exceed your greatest expectations of the ideal day. I am only 19 and a junior in college and ive also doubted many of my decisions but its not whether you choose the right or wrong path, its how you handle yourself with the path you choose. Be confident and be optimistic because lifes too short to worry about regrets!

-I hope this helps you.