Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Judgement Day?

If someone wears their hair with multiple colors in it, we look at them like they are a freak. If someone is in a wheelchair, we look at them with pity. If someone is fat, we look at them in disgust. But who are we to make judgements? There have been many opportunities in my life for me to make judgements but I chose not to, can YOU say the same?

-My best friend (friends first day of sixth grade), we'll call her "Mrs. C" (obviously no it's not her real name) is having an affair with a co-worker who happens to be married and she herself is married as well. Now would that be something I would do?-to be honest not at all. Do I look down on her for doing it? Hell no. Does it change our friendship? Nope, still stronger than ever especially since I am one of the only people who knows about it.

-My other best friend (friends since freshman yr of h.s.), we'll call her Suzie (again not the real name) is a full blown lesbian (now I expect none of you guys to bother me for her info...lol). She came out of the closet as a bisexual girl in our sophmore year and I was one of the first people she told. After she came out to me, she asked me if I still wanted to be friends with her. The question never entered my mind. Why wouldn't I want to be friends with her? How does her being the way she is change our friendship or what kind of a person she is (personality wise of course)? It doesn't, that's how.

-One of my ex-boyfriends, Tim, got sick with cancer. It was a grueling time where he pushed everyone away. He told me that he didn't think it was fair to me to put me through being with him through his illness. I stuck around and saw him through his chemo, his loss of weight, and hair loss. Whenever we would go out people would stare and look at him in pity and he would ask me why I was still around. Did I care that people were staring and making their own judgements? NO. Why not? The simple answer-I loved him. There wasn't a question of me leaving-EVER. Did his illness make me look at him differently? No. Why not? EVen though he had changed since we began dating, he looked different but was still the same person with a huge heart.

Call me crazy but the way I see it, no one is perfect and until someone comes along who is perfect there are always going to be imperfections in people. We can either chose to except them or chose to jude them based on these imperfections. Which would/do you do?


Anonymous said...

Wow! The fact that you feel the need to assert your open-mindedness unprovoked makes it all the more convincing!

Anonymous said...

Wow! The fact that you feel the need to assert your open-mindedness unprovoked makes it all the more convincing!