Monday, March 28, 2005


Alright this must be laid out on the table. I'm so sick of the bullshit games played in life:

If you don't like someone why is it that you can't just tell them gently and honestly? Instead people would rather be 'polite' and act like they're someone's best friend-BULLSHIT!

If you have feelings for someone who you are in a relationship with or better yet want to be in a relationships with why don't you just talk to them about it? If you can't talk to them about your feelings should you even try to be or be in the relationship to begin with? -BULLSHIT!

Why do people act like they don't care what other people think of them? To some degree everyone cares somewhat about what people think of them. In today's society everything is based on appearances whether it be through outer appearances (looks) or actions (personality). So if you say that you don't care what anyone thinks of you I some degree it is -BULLSHIT!

If you cheat on your significant other whether it be a boy/girlfriend, fiancee, or spouse, is it better to keep it a secret so you don't hurt them in the long run? I love when people say they don't mean to cheat or they don't know what caused them to cheat. I can tell you in one short and sweet sentence-YOU WEREN'T HAPPY. There is no other reason someone would stray away from a loved one. Think about it, if you were happy would there be reason for you to seek someone else out? NO. If you're not happy then try to fix your situation or get out of it. Cheating isn't a way out, it's a cheap ploy to stay with the 'safety net' that you have while you get to explore possibilities you could have. So if you say it's better to keep it a secret so I don't hurt them I say be honest and stop the-BULLSHIT!

Should people sugar coat their feelings or thoughts so they don't hurt someone or is it better to be honest and not play games? Is it better to not know things so you don't get hurt or better to have everything out in the open?...YOU decide


Anonymous said...

I agree except for the cheating part. When someone cheats, it doesn't always mean they are unhappy with the person they are with. It is often the case that they are unhappy with themselves.
Or they could also be the type of person who just likes to screw around with multiple partners while having a loving relationship with one person.

ACchick said...

This is in reply to my "anonymous" reader...

If you read my blog carefully I said that the reason people cheat can be summed up in one short and sweet sentence-you weren't happy. I didn't say that you weren't happy was specifically targeting those who are unhappy in their relationships. It may also apply to those that are simply not happy within their own selves. It was a broad statement I was making to reach more people. Sorry if I didn't make my self clear enough.

Just wanted to clarify but thanks for the comment!