Sunday, November 04, 2007


So, since I last wrote, or should I say vented, an AMAZING thing happened. I finally got my wish. My guy finally said I would meet his parents on the day after turkey day. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

This is what I've wanted for so long. I have pretty much fought with my guy since the 9 or so month mark. I figure maybe he wanted to wait to see if I was a 'keeper' or something. I didn't really blame him because some people don't want random dater tyoe people meeting the family. But after that long, don't you know to a degree if I will be around a while?

He once said to me, "You'll know you're getting the ring once you meet my parents. The next day, it's guaranteed." It's not even the fact that I know this means he's thinking of marriage. I mean could I marry him, sure, maybe one day but not yet. I know this is a step towards the right direction but I feel as though we need to move in a certain direction with many aspects of our relationships before I can even consider marriage but that's a whole other blog post.

The most important factor in all this for me is that, as stupid as it sounds, I finally feel as though I know for sure he truly loves me because he's willing to take this step which I know is hard for him.

Next step comes: what to wear, what to bring, etc, nerve-wracking, yet SO exciting. I always do well with parents so I'm trying to think of it like that. If they're not the nicest to me, that's ok because I love him and he's more important to me. I will kill em with kindness :o). (Hope I won't have to!)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

What's the big deal?

Ok, so I have been dating this guy for almost four years and have a HUGE issue that keeps weighing on my mind. I haven't told most of my friends for fear of how they might view him. I know they love me and will treat me the same, but I don't know how they would react to knowing this. I know, what is this? Well, I have yet to meet his parents. Yup. Let that one soak in....

It gets worse. They don't even know he has a girlfriend!! Why? Well, I have been given 'reasons' which I deem to be excuses. I have been to his parents house, but of course they were not home! So back to said reasons:

1. I am NOT chinese and he is.
2. His mother doesn't like the idea of girls in general whether they are friends or not
3. His mother ripped his ex gf a new one when they met by accident
4. He doesn't want to put me through any bad experience

To me, all this means is that he doesn't have a pair to stand up to his parents and say, "Hey mom and dad, I have this awesome gf who is not chinese BUT I think if you give her a chance you will see how great she is."

I have too much vested in this and family is too important to me. It makes my mind wonder:
-What's he hiding from them?
-What's he hiding from me?
-Is he ashamed of me?
_Will he lose out on an inheritance should he date and/or marry someone other than a Chinese girl?
-Will his parents disown him should he date and/or marry someone other than a Chinese girl?

.....I just don't understand, what's the big deal?