Thursday, March 31, 2005

Life, A Hand of Poker :op

This particular blog is for all those gamblers in my life (especially an "avid" one in particular!) , you know who you are :o)....

As the old cliche goes, in the game of life, you have to play the cards you're dealt.

But how exactly is life like a hand of poker? Well, take for instance, the game of Texas Hold'em (which is my personal fave) in which there are a maximum of ten players. Each player is unique in their own way and brings something different to the table. Whether it is the bullshit artist, the one who wears their heart on their sleeves, or the crazy one who is highly unpredictable. Those are the most common players in poker and life.

We then move on to the actual playing of the game. Each player is dealt two cards that they alone can use, this being someone's personality particular to only them which can either prove to be helpful or disastrous. The dealer then puts a "burn card" unused which is like throwing away a talent that we have without even attempting to utilize it. The next three cards are overturned for all the players to use to make their best five card hand. These first three cards, referred to as the 'flop', the fourth card referred to as the 'turn', and the fifth and final card affectionately called the 'river', are similar to opportunities (where they be good or bad ones) presented to each of us that we could either use to our advantage or simply throw away. In between the flop and turn and the turn and the river come two more "burn cards" , same as the first.

Each time a card, or opportunity, comes out it is then that we have to make decisions as to whether or not to take the chance and go with it (bet) or to not risk it (fold). "Sometimes in life we are forced to make decisions, and it's not until the cards are revealed that we know whether the decision made was right or wrong. "

Now that we have seen how each move in poker is comparatively similar to that of each in life, ask yourself, are you going all in?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Judgement Day?

If someone wears their hair with multiple colors in it, we look at them like they are a freak. If someone is in a wheelchair, we look at them with pity. If someone is fat, we look at them in disgust. But who are we to make judgements? There have been many opportunities in my life for me to make judgements but I chose not to, can YOU say the same?

-My best friend (friends first day of sixth grade), we'll call her "Mrs. C" (obviously no it's not her real name) is having an affair with a co-worker who happens to be married and she herself is married as well. Now would that be something I would do?-to be honest not at all. Do I look down on her for doing it? Hell no. Does it change our friendship? Nope, still stronger than ever especially since I am one of the only people who knows about it.

-My other best friend (friends since freshman yr of h.s.), we'll call her Suzie (again not the real name) is a full blown lesbian (now I expect none of you guys to bother me for her She came out of the closet as a bisexual girl in our sophmore year and I was one of the first people she told. After she came out to me, she asked me if I still wanted to be friends with her. The question never entered my mind. Why wouldn't I want to be friends with her? How does her being the way she is change our friendship or what kind of a person she is (personality wise of course)? It doesn't, that's how.

-One of my ex-boyfriends, Tim, got sick with cancer. It was a grueling time where he pushed everyone away. He told me that he didn't think it was fair to me to put me through being with him through his illness. I stuck around and saw him through his chemo, his loss of weight, and hair loss. Whenever we would go out people would stare and look at him in pity and he would ask me why I was still around. Did I care that people were staring and making their own judgements? NO. Why not? The simple answer-I loved him. There wasn't a question of me leaving-EVER. Did his illness make me look at him differently? No. Why not? EVen though he had changed since we began dating, he looked different but was still the same person with a huge heart.

Call me crazy but the way I see it, no one is perfect and until someone comes along who is perfect there are always going to be imperfections in people. We can either chose to except them or chose to jude them based on these imperfections. Which would/do you do?

Monday, March 28, 2005


Alright this must be laid out on the table. I'm so sick of the bullshit games played in life:

If you don't like someone why is it that you can't just tell them gently and honestly? Instead people would rather be 'polite' and act like they're someone's best friend-BULLSHIT!

If you have feelings for someone who you are in a relationship with or better yet want to be in a relationships with why don't you just talk to them about it? If you can't talk to them about your feelings should you even try to be or be in the relationship to begin with? -BULLSHIT!

Why do people act like they don't care what other people think of them? To some degree everyone cares somewhat about what people think of them. In today's society everything is based on appearances whether it be through outer appearances (looks) or actions (personality). So if you say that you don't care what anyone thinks of you I some degree it is -BULLSHIT!

If you cheat on your significant other whether it be a boy/girlfriend, fiancee, or spouse, is it better to keep it a secret so you don't hurt them in the long run? I love when people say they don't mean to cheat or they don't know what caused them to cheat. I can tell you in one short and sweet sentence-YOU WEREN'T HAPPY. There is no other reason someone would stray away from a loved one. Think about it, if you were happy would there be reason for you to seek someone else out? NO. If you're not happy then try to fix your situation or get out of it. Cheating isn't a way out, it's a cheap ploy to stay with the 'safety net' that you have while you get to explore possibilities you could have. So if you say it's better to keep it a secret so I don't hurt them I say be honest and stop the-BULLSHIT!

Should people sugar coat their feelings or thoughts so they don't hurt someone or is it better to be honest and not play games? Is it better to not know things so you don't get hurt or better to have everything out in the open?...YOU decide

People are always gonna believe what they want...

Some background...

So I go to a party at a friends house (Marc is his name-just so I don't have to keep calling him the friend) at 1 in the morning. First of all to call the place I went to a house seems rather inadequate-more of a ridiculous place you would see on MTV's Cribs. There's a bunch of kids drinking and smoking in the basement and Marc's sister is passed out on a couch as craziness insues around her.

First of our crew to get there around 1:30 more people start coming in by 2. Drinks all around and of course out pops the poker chips! What night would be complete without those?!? All of a sudden seven people dish out 20 bucks a pop to play. I chose to let the man take the reigns as I sit back, drink, and socialize.

As I'm socializing out comes a camera phone with nothing short of scandalous pics of me and Marc making out, what appears to be me fondling Marc, and me licking Marc's nipples!-in front of my man none the less....I know what your thinking-what a slut and you'd be correct, well if it wasn't for the fact that those pics were fake! Everyone at the party believes it to be true and so I go with it. Why not? My man knows the truth, I know the truth, and Marc knows the truth...and that brings me to the whole idea that:

People are always going to believe what they want whether it's true or not so why not give em something good to believe ;o)

Random Calls

So I get this random phone call from my friend Dave who, at the time, is enjoying a nice drinking fest in the poconos with the girl he's "not seeing, not dating, but just having a good time with." Whats the random phone call would think drunken call to say what's up or to tell of affection but one would be wrong.

This phone call was to ask about the rules for the drinking game ASSHOLE since none of the four people remembered how to play. The only solace I took from this call was that those four people wished I was there so there could be more fun. Ah but alas is the life of the teacher-at least on the weekdays until spring break and summer break...::sigh::

Sunday, March 27, 2005


And so another cherry pops!

Between my life and the life's of my crazy friends, you should buckle up and enjoy the ride-it's gonna be long and bumpy....