Monday, December 17, 2007

Breaking Point-but when?

I think I've reached a breaking point. I think my brain has melted down. My heart PHYSICALLY hurts me....

Why? Back to the guy. Well, here's a list, yes a list of reasons why:

1. Haven't met his parents.
2. Feel he's in love with his best friend-when brought up didn't say a word. (silence to me says it all)
3. not affectionate at all
4. hardly see him anymore
5. hardly talk to him anymore
6. he always brings up the past and throw things back in my face
7. I've heard the word love about 3 times in 4 years (no i don't believe in overusing it but come on!)
8. talk about marriage without meeting parents (doesn't work for me)
9. is not affectionate to me, would he be to our kids one day? (unacceptable to not be)

I have to do this. This I know. The holidays are coming and I have a surprise 30th birthday party that I have been planning my ass off for. I know what I have to do, the question is when to best execute it....

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