Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Wisdom and Age Hand in Hand?

An old wise man once said "With age comes wisdom," is that true? Do we truly learn from our mistakes or are some of us destined to repeat mistakes until we are so badly burned that we repell from situations?

I, for example, have learned from some mistakes and am probably destined to relive some other mistakes. Why? The simple answer that many people who know me well would agree with-I'm way too nice.

Instance 1:

Seems so long ago but in high school there was a girl, we'll call her psycho (there's an obvious reason for that name!). Psycho was a good friend who I hung out with and would come over to my house. My friends and I started noticing psycho wearing clothes of ours that we were missing. When we would casually ask her, she would deny it. Why? Beats the hell outta me because none of us were mad we were simply asking her.

So psycho ends up doing the unthinkable and stealing Mrs. C's beeper. OH NO NO! No one is to mess with the people I love. And if you think you can I say BRING IT ON! We figured out that Mrs. C's lost beeper and psychos "new" beeper were one in the same when we tested out the beeper and sent a random number to it which psycho did not recognize but we did. So we get back to school and we confront psycho about the beeper. She, of course, denies it so I proceed to go off on her! She starts crying and the next thing you know we're in the vice principal's office. It is there that he beeped the beeper and she was busted!

Not only was she busted but she lost all her friends since no one trusted her. A short time after that she asked me why? I simply said you can mess with me but not the ones I love.

Instance 2:

This story was not so long ago. A friend from work needed to borrow $200 for rent otherwise her husband, baby, and her would be thrown out. (oh yea her husband spent the rent money on drugs) Me, being the good person I am, lends her the money with the thought that she is going to turn her life around and straighten up for her and the baby's sake. Nope. So now I''m $200 short and she's still in the same situation. Did anything good come out of it? I guess the fact they didn't get kicked out is good but other than that the situation remains the same.

I did learn that if people aren't willing to help themselves that no matter how much help you give them it will make a difference.

So, has my aging caused me to get wiser? Is it just the once burned twice shy theory? Or will some things never change?

For those of you who really know me, I'd love to hear what you think...


Anonymous said...

What the Hell did I need a beeper for in HS? I didn't get any pages. I still don't. Its a sad thing.

Anonymous said...

Ms C's right, she didn't need a pager at the time. it's not like anyone paged her. seriously tho in some cases you have to be careful what you do but don't change who you are in the process. now your friend might not have paid you back and now you know not to lend her money again but that doesn't mean the next person will do the same. You can still be nice and giving while at the same time be cautious of who you are nice to. don't ever forget who you are or where you came from. even if you don't get in return from the main source life pays you back in many ways for good deeds. what goes around comes around in many bad ways but in the good too. stay true to yourself while staying loyal to your feelings.

Anonymous said...

Ok suzie...can at least say hi before you remeind me how unpopular I was. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG you are such a badass!!!!!!!