Friday, April 01, 2005


Is fate something that truly exists or do people just hang onto the hope that certain things are fated to happen to give them solace?

To some degree I believe in fate. Now when I say to some degree that doesn't mean that everything in my life is already fated to happen. I still believe that although things happen for a reason, other things happen because of our decisions so we have an impact upon our own "fate."

Take for instance, the people in my life. I absolutely care for each of them and would be there for them in the blink of an eye if they needed me. Obviously some mean more to me than others but fate brought us together. After fate brought us together, it was our own decisions that made our relationship what it is.

Perfect example, after high school you tend to lose touch with everyone who you weren't really close to whether you mean to or not. Unfortunately, I lost touch with one of my best friends in my sophomore year of college. (Keep in mind that was 5 years ago). That was the last time I saw her-in New York City's Central Park, her with her ex and me with mine. I had kept her pager number but when I went to use it some time after it was no longer working. Being that the pager was the only way to get in touch with her, I lost her.

Back to the recent, my other best friend, who I mentioned in a previous blog as Mrs. C, calls me to tell me that she was on some high school website thing and my name was a post and that my best friend "Suzie," also mentioned in a previous blog, was looking for me. Mrs. C responded to Suzie and gave her my info. It wasn't long before we were talking again and catching up on the last five years (it's amazing how many things change in 5 years!!) While it was fate that Suzie and Mrs. C were both on the online high school site it was Suzie's decision to seek me out.

So what do you think? Is fate real or something we cling to?

P.S. I know this blog has gotten deeper in thought than I originally intended. Have no fear I'm sure I'll have many drunken and crazy stories as the weekend progresses :o).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fate, for me, is yielding in servitude to God. He has a purpose for each of us, and until we let go of our own "fate", or the life we've planned for ourselves, we will be unable to fulfill our divine fate. But I couldn't agree more with fate also being determind by our own decisions! Nerisca, you so smart =P