Friday, May 27, 2005


Before this goes any further, let it be known that I do not have anything personal against cops. In fact, after September 11th I only thought more highly of them...and then this morning happened....

So I'm driving along to work as usual and being good (only going 5 mph above the speed limit since theres a big truck in front of me) when I see a cop pass on the other side of me. I think nothing of it and keep on going. I then notice that he stops shortly after passing me and turns around and is now directly behind me. I slow down to the actual speed limit to avoid being pulled over and what happens???

I get pulled over!!!! I'm like what the ?!?!?! I wasn't speeding (I was even being good and doing the speed limit). I wasn't talking on my cell (no no in Jersey without a hands-free set). I wasn't really breaking any laws so why the hell is this cop pulling me over???

I pull over and put my window down, turn off my radio, and start to get my information out when the cop comes over and says "Good Morning Ma'am"...

First of all I'm not a Ma'am I'm 23 I'm not old enough to be a Ma'am, I'm a Miss! (I know that doesn't matter but I think of older women being called Ma'am and that's defintaly not me). I wanted to tell him it was a good morning until he pulled me over! But I bit my tongue and awaited my penalty.

He then proceeds to say that it's not necessary for me to get my paper work out because he thought I wasn't wearing a seat belt and that's why he pulled me over!!!

So now I'm waste 5 minutes of my commute to pull me over for something I wasn't in the wrong for?!?!?!!!

I know they have quotas to fill but come on stop wasting people's time when there's no need to! We do have lives and things to do, other than being pulled over because "you thought" something. Maybe that's the problem...some people are better off not thinking!

Like I said at the start it doesn't have to do with all cops, this is just a venting about an experience this morning....

Anyone have bad experiences with cops? Any thoughts on cops?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

What if...

It's funny how sometimes we wonder what if certain things would happen. Here are just a few, think about it, what would you do if...

some depressing ones...

-you knew the exact date and time you were going to die
-you never found love
-you were in an accident with your family members and could only save one of them
-you had to pick between being blind or deaf
-you had to contract a disease

some happier ones...
-you won the lottery
-you never had to work another day in your life
-you could travel to any one place in the world you wanted until you did everything you wanted to do there
-you could rid the world of one of your biggest pet peeves
-you cuold make three wishes come true (and you couldnt wish for more wishes)

What if's can be as wild as some of those or as simple as what if I choose between Job A and Job B and I choose the wrong one...

So what is your "what if?"

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"The One"

So what's a girl to do when she can't sleep? Well for right now-blog :oP

Went to a wake tonight for two close friends' grandfather. Was one of those weird mixed emotional moments-happy to see family of theirs that I haven't seen for a long time but for a grim reason....

Nick's brother Rj flew in from Spain (he went there because of a girl...way too Felicity-like for me). Anyway so Rj brings his new FIANCEE!! After many months of putting it off he finally asked her to marry him and they are now happily engaged.

Seeing them as happy as they are is amazing to me. To have that kind of love for someone, to look at them so lovingly. (I know mushy mush but hey I'm being a girl right now!) It made me think-....

Is there "one" person who is right for you? And if there is that "one" person, how do you know if you have found them?


What if you never meet your "one" person? Are you destined to be sad and pathetic and lonely or just jump from person to person in the endless search?

Well that's just depressing....

Alright people, I leave it to you and your thoughts....
